ACLC Seminar | Hielke Vriesendorp: Exemplars vs. allophones: the role of lexical frequency and listener experience in sociolinguistic processing

P.C. Hoofthuis Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam, Nederland

Organized by the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication! (ACLC) Speaker: Hielke Vriesendorp Location: P.C. Hoofthuis Room: 1.15 Title: Exemplars vs. allophones: the role of lexical frequency and listener experience in sociolinguistic processing Abstract: Do we recognise a Northern English speaker saying ‘way’ as Northern because we have memories of other times we’ve heard Northern speakers … Continue reading ACLC Seminar | Hielke Vriesendorp: Exemplars vs. allophones: the role of lexical frequency and listener experience in sociolinguistic processing

Koningsdag-spelletjesborrel 🎲👑


Ga feestelijk de Koningsnacht in tijdens onze Koningsdag-spelletjesborrel! Deze zal om 17:30 aanvangen. 🎲👑 Neem je eigen drankjes en snackjes mee! Het zal plaatsvinden in Diemen, bij Dewi thuis! Stuur ons een berichtje voor de exacte locatie. Tot dan! 👋

Borrel 🍻

Café de Gaeper Staalstraat 4, Amsterdam, Nederland

Lekker borrelon bij Café de Gaeper!

ACLC Seminar | Markus Steinbach: Is there anything special about special signs? A cross-modal study of a special class of parts of speech in spoken and sign languages

P.C. Hoofthuis Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam, Nederland

Organized by the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication! (ACLC) Speaker: Markus Steinbach Location: P.C. Hoofthuis Room: 5.59 Title: Is there anything special about special signs? A cross-modal study of a special class of parts of speech in spoken and sign languages Abstract: A special class of lexical items frequently used in many different signs … Continue reading ACLC Seminar | Markus Steinbach: Is there anything special about special signs? A cross-modal study of a special class of parts of speech in spoken and sign languages

Picknick met Jamsessie! 🎵🥪

Op maandag 15 mei houden we potluck picknick met een jamsessie, dus breng je instrumenten/zangkunsten mee! Meer informatie volgt nog. 🎵

SCIO in de Biblio 📚

P.C. Hoofthuis Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam, Nederland

Heb je ook een rustige plek nodig om te leren? Kom in de middag van donderdag 23 maart langs bij  om je goed voor te bereiden op de tentamens. 📚 Kom naast het leren ook genieten van pannenkoeken. 🥞

Borrel 🍻

Café de Gaeper Staalstraat 4, Amsterdam, Nederland

Lekker borrelon bij Café de Gaeper!

ACLC Seminar | Eva van Lier: Alternation in argument coding across languages: lexical and other factors

P.C. Hoofthuis Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam, Nederland

Organized by the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication! (ACLC) Speaker: Eva van Lier Location: P.C. Hoofthuis Room: 3.01 Title: Alternation in argument coding across languages: lexical and other factors Abstract: In this talk, we give an overview of the research carried out so far in our Vidi project ‘Exceptions rule! Lexical restrictions on grammatical … Continue reading ACLC Seminar | Eva van Lier: Alternation in argument coding across languages: lexical and other factors

ACLC Seminar | Tineke Snijders: Neural tracking of speech in infants and their later language development

P.C. Hoofthuis Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam, Nederland

Organized by the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication! (ACLC) Speaker: Tineke Snijders Location: PC Hoofthuis Room: 5.60 Title: Neural tracking of speech in infants and their later language development Abstract: Neuronal groups in the brain process information in a rhythmical way, and can also track the speech rhythm. Using EEG, the coherence between the … Continue reading ACLC Seminar | Tineke Snijders: Neural tracking of speech in infants and their later language development

Lab Tour in Bushuis! 🧠

Bushuis - Oost-Indisch Huis Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam, Nederland

Altijd al eens in het Spraaklab willen kijken? Kom met ons mee! Alle CLC'ers (ook niet-leden) zijn welkom. 🧠 Geef aan dat je meegaat in het formulier. ✍️

ACLC Seminar | Lauren Fonteyn: Methods of semi-automatic data annotation with contextualized word embeddings

P.C. Hoofthuis Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam, Nederland

Organized by the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication! (ACLC) Speaker: Lauren Fonteyn (Meertens Instituut) Location: P.C. Hoofthuis Room: 1.15 Title: Methods of semi-automatic data annotation with contextualized word embeddings Abstract: In corpus linguistics, the collection and annotation of data commonly involve a relatively balanced combination of computer-aided and manual labour. It is still common practice, … Continue reading ACLC Seminar | Lauren Fonteyn: Methods of semi-automatic data annotation with contextualized word embeddings

ABC Lecture | Sabine Kastner: Neural dynamics of the primate attention network

Amsterdam Science Park Science Park 904, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Organized by the Amsterdam Brain and Cognition! (ABC) Speaker: Sabine Kastner Location: Science Park 904 Room: SP C0.110 Title: Neural dynamics of the primate attention network Abstract: The selection of information from our cluttered sensory environments is one of the most fundamental cognitive operations performed by the primate brain. In the visual domain, the selection … Continue reading ABC Lecture | Sabine Kastner: Neural dynamics of the primate attention network